Thursday, 29 August 2013

Techniques For Lucid Dreaming - Increasing Intensity

There are various techniques for lucid dreaming that you can undergo that can help you increase the intensity of your dream and by intensity this means making everything clearer and more vivid.

Many people say that they have semi-lucid dreams or dreams where everything is fuzzy and therefore leading to them to not being able to fully experience the state that is lucid dreaming effectively.

When in a position where you lose intensity you can end up coming out of your lucid dream earlier than usual which is something you don't want.

There are ways however where you can increase the intensity and duration of the dream however so you can undergo the full thing. Some tips are as follows...

  • Rubbing your hands together has been known to increase intensity as it manages to go and create friction between the palms. 
  • Calea Zacatechichi is a mexican "dream herb". This has been known to be very effective when it comes to creating really vivid dreams. There are plenty of them out there (yes they are legal) but what you need to make sure that you do is check with your doctor before taking any of these as you may find that you're allergic. As said there are varieties out there which can give you the stimulation you need for highly vivid lucid dreams and if you want to try it you can look for more research over the internet before trying it out. 
  • Spinning yourself round while you are in a lucid dream can create a sensation of feeling and this can therefore go onto improving your dream intensity. 
Each of these techniques for lucid dreaming can stir the higher conscious brain in one way or another to go on to give you more vivid or longer lasting dreams.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Lucid Dream Induction - Improving Creativity

With lucid dream induction there are plenty of benefits that follow with them. One of the ones that have been seen is the creativity a person can produce. 

Painters and musicians have had some masterpieces thanks to dreams; Salvador Dali, Mozart, Beethoven and plenty of other people have managed to create great pieces thanks to the help of dreams. 

So how can this help you?

Simple really, if you are looking for something creative as an artist or a musician or someone who designs clothing etc, this can be very beneficial. 

When you get into a lucid dream there are various methods that can help stimulate the creativity. The first thing that can be done is that you can ask your subconscious to "show you something wonderful" and it should work and go on to show you something that you might find creative.

If you are more in the musician field then you can start playing an instrument and you should be able to find yourself playing something more impressive than you have before.

For artists start painting and you might find that you will be able to paint something spectacular. You can follow this line of thought for various subjects and embrace your creativity. 

Lucid dream induction is very effective and stimulating creativity is one of the things that many people use it for and it is highly effective so next time you are lucid why not try it out.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

How do I Lucid Dream - Do Research

If you keep asking yourself "how do I lucid dream" then something that you need to do is your research!

Before you start a task or anything research is mainly required to try making sure that you can get it right the first time that you go through  it.

Knowledge is power and by learning as much as you can about a subject the chances are you will hardly make any mistakes or you will know how to solve problems when you walk into them.

Places such as this blog are useful sources of information but there are plenty of articles and sites and other sources that you can use as well so make sure that you have a thorough look around.

If you are still finding yourself struggling and asking the question "how do I lucid dream" then something you can do is email someone about it. Many people that run sites and blogs have contact details where you can ask them questions, even writing in the comments section is effective for that as well.

Things like this are highly useful for helping everyone out and if you are someone who owns a site then try helping people out where you can as there are chances that you too were once in this position.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

How To Get A Lucid Dream - Improve Your Dream Recall

Something that is highly effective on how to get a lucid dream would be to improve dream recall. This can be useful for a number of reasons so if definitely something you should look into as a beginner or someone looking for help. 

How to improve recall

The best way that you can improve the dream recall is for you to start up a dream journal. 

This is basically a book that you have near your bed so that as soon as you wake up, the first thing you will do is write what you have just been through. 

It's going to be tough to recall things straight away but you're going to want to write as much as you can and remember as much as you can about what you dreamed about.

People have roughly 3-7 dreams a night so it shouldn't be too hard for you to think of at least one thing, if there is a possibility that you can't remember anything you will still want to write "don't remember" into your journal as this can help make everything a habit that you can keep doing.

What To Recall

So what are you going to be trying to recall in the journal?

In short you will want  to try and remember anything and everything that you can:

  • Colour of your surrounding
  • People
  • Objects
  • Animals
  • Important landmarks
  • Sounds
  • Smells
  • Anything you can feel
The list goes on and on with what you can write you just need to remember as much as you possibly can.  

What can this lead to?

Not only will this improve your dream recall but there are plenty of things that you can do with your dream journal. 

For example you can find common recurrences through it, this will include objects or pets etc. Lets say that you see a red ball frequently, the next time you see the same red ball you will know that you are dreaming. These dream signs are things you need to look out for and can be easily spotted with the help of a dream journal. 

If you want to get a lucid dream then you need to start to write a dream journal and in it you need to write down everything and anything you can remember about your dream.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Tips For Lucid Dreaming - False Awakenings

A tip for lucid dreaming that could help you achieve your goal would be through false awakenings. 

What Are False Awakenings?

These are moments where you wake up from a dream into another dream, however there is nothing out of the ordinary with this. You will wake up in your room and go through your normal routine for a while and you might realise that something is out of the ordinary such as you end up driving to work and it starts to rain gumballs. 

Things such as this will bring most people out of the dream state, however for those who know about this there are chances that you can go onto achieving lucidity thanks to this. 

How To Become Lucid With False Awakenings

If you have been looking into lucid dreaming then something that you will know about the power of reality checks. These are little checks that you can do to see whether you are dreaming or whether you are awake. 

These can be as simple as checking the time or another method which is simple but effective is trying to push your fingers through your palm. If you are dreaming when you check the time, it won't make much sense to you and when you try putting your finger through your palm it should easily go through (while dreaming).

One of the best times to go through with a reality check is as soon as you wake up. By doing this you can actually check whether or not you are dreaming. 

So simply as soon as you wake up you can perform a reality check and you may find that you are in fact sleeping and have woken into a false dream. Once realising this you will be able to kick start yourself into a lucid dream. 

Other than reality checks there are plenty of other tips for lucid dreaming which you may end up finding more useful to add to other techniques.